Arbitration is like an informal trial or hearing. The parties present evidence and arguments to their arbitrator, who is an attorney or retired judge.File the attached "Stipulation for ADR" along with the Case Management Statement, if all parties can agree. 3. COMPLETE both pages of the Request for Arbitration of a Fee Dispute form. Attach a statement to describe your fee dispute with the attorney. This article will explore the use of arbitration agreements in California employment law cases and the implications for both employers and employees. The Tribunal issues a procedural order concerning the non-disputing party's application to file a written submission pursuant to ICSID Arbitration Rule 37(2). The United States Supreme Court finally clarification what lower courts must do when a case is compelled to arbitration. The Circuit Court of Cook County's Fourth Municipal District is made up of the following municipalities and townships in the western suburbs of Cook County. See Local Rule 5-4.1.