Experience in the general civil cases eligible for judicial arbitration. 2.) COMPLETE both pages of the Request for Arbitration of a Fee Dispute form.Attach a statement to describe your fee dispute with the attorney. Judicial Arbitration: There are no costs to parties in cases ordered to judicial arbitration pursuant to Rule. 3.811 (a) (1), (3) or (5). Gemini owed Riverside a complete defense in the Underlying Arbitration. Employment agreements often include an arbitration clause in which an employer and an employee agree to resolve their disputes before a private arbitrator. Com portal offers a wide collection of case documentation for many investor-State disputes. 23) Without limitation, Riverside Coffee is entitled to rely at least upon the following provisions in the Russia Nicaragua BIT: a. Arbitration clause, or it contains an arbitration clause but it does not refer to AAA or ICDR.