Aftere you fill out the motion, be sure to also fill out a Notice of Hearing. (1) An appeal may be taken from: (a) an order denying a motion to compel arbitration;.(b) an order granting a motion to stay arbitration;. If a party does not respond to a discovery request, the party seeking discovery can file a motion asking the judge to compel discovery and impose sanctions. To seal a new case, a party must file in the Salt Lake. The Parties Entered Into Valid Arbitration Agreements. 12. 2. An arbitrator may issue a subpoena for the attendance of a witness and for the production of records and other evidence at any hearing and may administer oaths. The Fifth Circuit held that an employer could file a Motion to Compel Arbitration before a class is conditionally certified. The Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals has held that a defendant may file a motion to compel arbitration in lieu of an answer. Governed by, the Federal Arbitration Act.