Aftere you fill out the motion, be sure to also fill out a Notice of Hearing. You must file your motion within 90 days of the dismissal.The new Utah Revised. Uniform Arbitration Act deals with such matters as arbitrability, provisional remedies, consolidation of proceedings, arbitrator. Fee is charged for filing a Notice of Removal, Motion for Writ of Mandamus, Motion to Vacate Arbitration Award, Motion to Compel Arbitration Award. To seal a new case, a party must file in the Salt Lake. Conclusion. The Third Appraisal is an arbitration subject to the FAA. Plaintiff represents it will file a separate Motion to Vacate that arbitration. The Supreme Court affirmed the judgment of the district court denying David Taylor's motion to invalidate an arbitration award in this divorce case. Cade also cited the Federal Arbitration Act, which allows vacation "where the arbitrators exceeded their powers.