Seamlessly file a case online with AAA using an online demand form, an arbitration agreement and the filing fee. EFile Texas Self Help - Free website that helps you fill out and then electronically file common forms for court.Under the Act, ADR procedures may be used before a lawsuit is filed as the first step in settlement negotiations or late in the litigation process. Learn More About the Arbitration Process in Texas and How It Helps to Resolve Disputes Outside of a Courtroom Setting. Login to the DR Portal and select "File a New Arbitration Claim" in the left column. Click the red button that reads "File a New Arbitration Claim. I am a little surprised the arbitrator dismissed the case without giving you the option of paying the other half of the arbitration fees. Even though your contract states otherwise, you don't have to arbitrate if both parties agree to proceed with litigation. 576 Tri-Star Petroleum Co. v. When legal representation goes wrong, injured accident victims may not know what to do or where to turn for help.