Please submit: (1) a completed RBA request using pages 1 and 2 of this form;. Learn More About the Arbitration Process in Texas and How It Helps to Resolve Disputes Outside of a Courtroom Setting.The Dispute Resolution Center´s goal is to serve the community as a resource for resolving disputes of all kinds. By signing the Submission Agreement, you are stating that you are one of the following: (1) the claimant; or. Seamlessly file a case online with AAA using an online demand form, an arbitration agreement and the filing fee. Sec. 171.024. PLACE FOR MAKING APPLICATION. We provide the following templates of documents that parties may require during arbitral proceedings. An arbitration contract is the best option to solve conflicts arising in business processes or between the parties. San Antonio 2008, orig. American Arbitration Association Commercial Arbitration Rules shall select the arbitrator.