On this page below is a list of LOCAL forms that can be completed online and then printed. The form you need may be in this list.Civil Arbitration Voucher form (CV5062) has been updated and is available for use under Santa Clara County Superior Court Forms' page. The SANTA CLARA COUNTY ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® offers mediation of disputes with reference to a real estate transaction. This form must be Typed and E-Filed. The code meticulously outlines the format, content, and deadlines for filing various legal documents. An all new chapter covering how to conduct an individual arbitration, including selecting an arbitrator, conducting discovery, preliminary hearings and motions. All limited and unlimited civil pre-trial motions, including discovery motions, are heard in the department of the case management judge. Our results reflect what we believe is the most comprehensive empirical study of consumer financial arbitration carried out to date. Geographically, 253 came from Northern California, 182 came from Southern California, and 35 came from San Diego.