Petition to Confirm, Correct, or Vacate Contractual Arbitration Award (ADR-106). You should contact an arbitration law attorney in your area to discuss your case in detail and give you the specific advice you need. Disclaimer.The court ruled that the Ending Forced Arbitration of Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment Act (EFAA) applies, which makes arbitration agreements unenforceable. A petition to vacate or correct the award must be served and filed no later than 100 days after it is served. So, a winning party must go to court to enforce an award if the opposing party doesn't pay up. The relevant provisions are reproduced in the ap pendix to this Petition. See Pet.App.45a. INTRODUCTION. Submit them in a separate memorandum. 5. UCCJA's extended home State rule, a left- behind parent could petition for custody in the child's home State even after an abduction.