Johnny Luna signed an binding mandatory arbitration agreement as part of his employee manual when he worked for Poly-America in Mont Belvieu, Texas. Usually, courts determine the validity or scope of an arbitration agreement in a contract, but parties can agree to delegate those disputes to.ANALYSISDefendants request the Court dismiss the case and mandate arbitration because the Trust Agreement calls for arbitration in Costa Rica. The first inquiry in the twostep analysis is whether the Parties entered into a valid arbitration agreement. Respondent filed a sex discrimination suit against petitioner alleging violations of the Texas Commission on Human Rights Act, Tex. Lab. Texas law encourages parties to resolve disputes through arbitration, but it will not force them to arbitrate unless they have agreed to that alternative. You may contact the other side(s) and jointly fill out a. Federal substantive law in these cases, Texas law, as set. When it comes to arbitration in Texas, the Hunnicutt Law Group has you covered. Contact our attorneys today for help.