Mediation and arbitration are two alternative dispute resolution processes available through the courts. The arbitrator(s) shall prepare and file with the clerk of the court an award within 20 days after the conclusion of the arbitration hearing.This article will discuss the provisions of the recently adopted. Section R590-122-4 - Rule (1) Compulsory non-binding arbitration is contrary to the public interest and is not a permissible arbitration provision. THE GROWING TREND OF CIRCUIT COURTS IN. VOIDING A CLASS-ARBITRATION WAIVER. Arbitration is never required in an auto accident case. Proceedings before the Committee begin upon receipt of a verified petition seeking to arbitrate or mediate a dispute regarding the attorney's fee. Nate is a Court Qualified mediator on the Utah State Court Roster. Forprofit organization and world's largest provider of arbitration, mediation and other alternative dispute resolution (ADR) services. The defendant then has the burden to move the court to compel arbitration.