Get the help you need with FORUM's sample arbitration clauses that you can review, insert, or adjust for the best fit in your contracts. Founded in 1943, Arbitration Forums is a membership-focused organization dedicated to providing its membership exceptional service.How to Use Arbitration Awards Online. This post provides a basic overview of the legality and applicability of arbitration clauses in Admiralty law. 2 Was the Treatment "unfair and discriminatory"? Our original ClauseBuilder online tool assists individuals and organizations in developing clear and effective arbitration and mediation agreements. How the dispute will be resolved. Parties who mediate at this forum resolve four out of every five cases. After completing the pertinent form, print and file it with the Office of Case Intake and Publication. In the court below O'Regan alleged that she was not an employee-at-will but instead was working under an oral contract and an implied contract.