Check your contract (or agreement) to confirm jurisdiction. An all new chapter covering how to conduct an individual arbitration, including selecting an arbitrator, conducting discovery, preliminary hearings and motions.Learn about court-ordered arbitration and mediation, types of cases, process, and more. Here's a closer look at how the process works, and tips for preparing your case for a courtordered arbitration (specifically in North Carolina). Find the complete AAA's StepbyStep Guide to Arbitration Filing, covering all aspects of arbitration including ICSID and ICC, in English. : Make Your Opening Statement Short but Memorable. We will break down the arbitration procedure, including the appointment of arbitrators, evidence submission, hearings, and the arbitration decision. Arbitrator Invitation: Arbitrators are invited to review the case details, ensuring there are no conflicts of interest. Case Management Conference Statement (CM-110). In the case of disputes over money, a settlement will almost always mean that you are paid sooner.