In many practical respects, federal versus state arbitration law distinctions are unlikely to result in a materially different outcome. The court notes that the FAA and the Pennsylvania Uniform Arbitration Act determine the scope of arbitration provisions similarly.CourtHelp can help you when you don't have a lawyer. We are committed to providing you with the most accurate information. A party trying to confirm or vacate an arbitration award will often have to turn to state, not federal, courts to do so. Fied documents, or materials in a court file or re- cord. In many practical respects, federal versus state arbitration law distinctions are unlikely to result in a materially different outcome. Today, the United States carries on the idea of special masters under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure. 446 (2006), "this arbitration law applies in both state and federal courts. Administrative Law LEX 7006 Cr. 3-4.