Note: Your request must be received before the 15th of the current month in order for the change to be reflected in the next month's check run. Copy of Medicaid card or relevant letter indicating effective date.Copy of enrollment form or letter from employer with effective date of coverage. The Student Petition Process provides students with a process to request a grade change from D, F, or U to a withdrawal without refund (W grade). You need this packet if the parents want the court to change the name of a child who is under the age of 18. Making progress related to Administrative Competencies. Assessee's Signature: Date: ______. Paystubs must show employee's name, gross pay per pay period, deductions, and frequency of pay for all employed household members 18 years of age and older. If. Do you want to become a Firefighter with the City of Miami? These are the steps you need to take to apply.