Fill out an Effective Date Change Request Form if you're applying for a change in coverage start date or a change in coverage termination date. If you cannot provide the requested documents, you may submit this "letter of explanation.Form to Accompany Miscellaneous Filings, Form. If you're planning to quit your job here is the compilation of the best resignation letter samples to help you easily draft your resignation letter. You might want to resign because you have something exciting lined up, or you can't stand spending any more time with your manager from hell. LJC - Laughlin Justice Court. In the 18 months I have worked here I have followed my schedule and I have never requested a change in my day off. 380 requires you to fix this (these) problem(s) within 48 hours (excluding weekends and holidays) of the date on this letter. The corrected Form 8832, with the box checked entitled: Relief for a late change of entity classification election sought under.