This page explains how a defendant or a respondent in a lawsuit can file an answer to protect their rights. In this article, we'll explain when and how you should terminate your lawyer-client relationship.We'll even provide a sample termination letter. The registrar at your current university has only one responsibility, and that is to provide your official transcript to the new university. Learn when and how tenants may legally break a lease in Utah and how to limit liability for rent through the end of the lease term. Letter, on company letterhead, from the temporary employer detailing work beginning date and return to Utah date (additional documentation may be requested). Learn how to break a lease in Utah. Understand notice periods, valid reasons, and tips for breaking a UT lease, including potential consequences. Letter, on company letterhead, from the temporary employer detailing work beginning date and return to Utah date (additional documentation may be requested). When you sign a Utah rental agreement, it obligates both you and your landlord for a specific term.