STEP 2: Fill out the "Summons" form. Defendants in a criminal defamation case may have several defenses available: Truth: As mentioned, if the statement is true, it's typically a complete defense.The small claim cannot be for defamation (e.g. , libel or slander), specific performance, injunction, eviction, or a claim against the State. I am curious as to whether I can file a lawsuit for defamation in Florida against opposing counsel and my ex spouse when my divorce is complete. STEP 1: USING BLACK INK ONLY, Fill out the "Civil Cover Sheet. HOW TO DESIGNATE: Every lawsuit shall be prosecuted in the name of the real party. You must have named the correct party. Get the forms and information you need. The right to appear pro se in a civil case in federal court is contained in a statute, 28 U.S.C. § 1654.