If you wish to oppose a motion, you may prepare an Affidavit in Opposition. Copies of the opposition papers must be served on all other parties. 2.You can write a letter to the appropriate Attorney Grievance Committee or fill out and submit a form available from their websites. The Law Department assists local and out-of-state custodial parents in establishing an order of support from non-custodial parents. Upon opposing counsel in such a manner that opposing counsel will receive them before or contemporaneously with the submission to the court. 6. Can more than one attorney of record consent or note representation in NYSCEF for a single party in a particular case? Seven Cardinal Sins Experienced Lawyers Make in Deposing the Opposing Party. By MICHAEL MAGGIANO, ESQ. Fill out the complaint form, answering all of the questions completely. An article 78 proceeding describes when an individual (the petitioner) asks a state court to review a decision or action of a New York State body or officer.