Attorneys should notify opposing counsel, the court or other tribunal, and others affected, of scheduling conflicts as soon as they become apparent. A judge is a neutral person who is responsible for ensuring that your case is resolved in a manner which is fair, equitable, and legal."To opposing parties and their counsel, I pledge fairness, integrity, and civility, not only in Court, but also in all written and oral communications. Attorneys should notify opposing counsel of all oral or written communications with the court or other tribunal, except those involving only scheduling matters. This begins the process. Family Law refers to case types such as adoption, divorce, name changes and paternity that are filed through the Clerk's Office. Part 3 of 3 with the third filing which results in the complete document being filed. An attorney very seldom directly addresses the opposing counsel in court, and not on the merits of the case. And the reason for late discovery to the Court and to opposing counsel. File the Motion: Submit the motion to the court and provide a copy to the opposing party.