Believing that opposing counsel violated the California Rules of Professional Conduct (CRPC or Rule) can present a clear ethical dilemma for attorneys. Once you decide to respond to a Complaint, your first step is to decide what type of response.This page will focus on the Answer form. "The rule also does not prohibit a lawyer who is a party to a legal matter from communicating on his or her own behalf with a represented person in that matter. 3) You should confirm you have the opposing attorney's. (or unrepresented party's) name, address, telephone number and e-mail address. It means the lawyers must communicate the basis for their disagreement on a legal issue and make a meaningful attempt to reach a resolution. Lawyer's Assistant: I understand you need to fill out an objection form for a hearing reschedule. Even if you go it alone, you should strongly consider consulting a lawyer at specific points in a lawsuit. Before you file your motion, you must first attempt to "meet and confer" with the opposing counsel or self-represented party.