Your debt settlement proposal letter must be formal and clearly state your intentions and what you expect from your creditors. This article provides a template for a debt settlement proposal letter and explains what a debt settlement letter should contain.Here's everything you need to know about drafting and filing an Answer to a credit card debt lawsuit, with sample Answers included. Use this letter to help you negotiate a full and final settlement offer with a creditor. Family Law - Settlement Conference Forms. Download this free sample of the debt settlement agreement template and know how to confirm the verbal debt settlement agreement in writing. You can use the following Cease and Desist letter to debt collectors as a template. Debt settlement is an agreement between a lender and a borrower, typically for a large, one-time payment toward an existing balance. Use this letter to help you negotiate a full and final settlement offer with your lender. A debt settlement letter is all you need to negotiate debts with your creditors.