Your debt settlement proposal letter must be formal and clearly state your intentions and what you expect from your creditors. To make a debt settlement agreement, you should identify your debt owner, negotiate a settlement, and formalize the agreement in writing with all details.This article provides a template for a debt settlement proposal letter and explains what a debt settlement letter should contain. Debt settlement programs often ask — or encourage — you to stop sending payments directly to your creditors. Not sure about how to counter your creditor's debt settlement offer? Download this free Debt Settlement Offer Letter sample. Although your monthly payments will be reduced, you usually need to make an immediate lump sum payment to complete the settlement. This is a type of offer where you ask the creditor to accept part of the amount you owe and write off the rest. You can reach out to your creditors and negotiate a debt settlement. The Franklin County Probate Court issues marriage licenses to residents of Franklin County, Ohio who are planning to marry in the state of Ohio.