Filing a Defamation Lawsuit in Houston, TX: How Long Do You Have? Many of these types of cases involve slander, or libel when there is specific defamation of an individual's character.Is the document stating that due to me needing an attorney to represent me? Libel and slander are the two forms of defamatory statements. What is the burden of proof in defamation in Texas? The party opposing the motion may file a written response. The motion must be on file for at least 14 days before the hearing. If you have been the victim of defamation, including slander or libel, then an experienced defamation attorney may be able to help. If you have been the victim of defamation, including slander or libel, then an experienced defamation attorney may be able to help. Defamation, including slander (spoken) and libel (written), harms reputations through fraudulent statements.