For example, if a memorandum of law is hand- delivered to the court, a copy should be simultaneously e-mailed or hand-delivered to opposing counsel. 4. Fill out the following contact information: Party.Before submitting a proposed order to the court, attorneys should provide the proposed order to opposing counsel in word. To start a case, you will need to file a petition, complaint, statement of claim, or similar document. A deputy clerk may be able to assist you with the filing of a small claims suit. This begins the process. Do I have to get consent from opposing counsel to file a motion for extension of time in a civil case in the State of Florida? File the Complaint: Once your complaint is prepared, file it with the Clerk of the Circuit Court in Miami-Dade County. Both terms mean you do not have a lawyer and are choosing to represent yourself in a legal proceeding. Katherine Fernandez Rundle, the first Cuban-American State Attorney in Miami-Dade and Florida, is committed to administering Smart Justice.