Plaintiff must file this cover sheet with the first document filed in the action or proceeding (except small claims cases, probate, or family cases). To start a case, you will need to file a petition, complaint, statement of claim, or similar document.In Florida, you must file a counterclaim if you have a claim against the other party. As long as the original statement was false and you can prove you suffered damages, you can sue the person who started the rumor. Fill out the contact form or call us at 9545642246 or 3055704042 to schedule your consultation. The answer is likely no. Do yourself a favor though and hire a family law attorney to fight back in court. Clare Locke is dedicated to litigating complex defamation matters and representing clients facing high-profile reputational attacks. 8461 Lake Worth Rd., Suite 238, Lake Worth, FL 33467. In the North Miami, Florida area, Byron Acosta, P.A. can help you resolve your Defamation issues.