This is a guide to Michigan Defamation Law addressing legal definitions, lawsuit requirements, public vs. Fill out form DC 84 (Affidavit and Claim, Small Claims) on the website or get a paper copy of the form from the court to fill out.Defamation occurs when someone makes a false statement about another person or entity that causes damage to their reputation. You also need to demonstrate how the defamatory statement made against you caused you harm. Michigan Legal Help has tools to fill many kinds of forms but we do not cover all areas. You may have a blank form that you need to fill out on your own. First of all, you can't sanction opposing counsel, only the Court can "sanction. " Next, you don't "have" the preponderance of evidence. If you're simply using a defamation suit to get information and get even, you're likely to be unsuccessful in unmasking your opponent.