(g) A lawyer who represents two or more clients shall not participate in making an aggregate settlement of the claims of or against the clients, absent court. If you wish to oppose a motion, you may prepare an Affidavit in Opposition.This Handbook is designed to help people with filing civil lawsuits in federal court without legal representation. It means that your lawyer and the other person's lawyer are friends or at least friendly. Can more than one attorney of record consent or note representation in NYSCEF for a single party in a particular case? Robert C. Brucato, Esq. Senior Appellate Counsel. Observance of the Rules and the duties articulated therein encourages professionalism in the practice of law. What then, is 'professionalism'? In a civil case, the pre-trial is the opportunity to discuss your case with opposing counsel and a Judge or Magistrate to determine the status of your case.