Structured NOC includes essential information like the applicant's details, purpose of the certificate, and a clear "no objection" statement. I certify that the following person(s) personally appeared before me this day, each acknowledging to me that he or she signed the foregoing document:.To request a Letter of Non-Objection, please submit a letter on corporate letterhead that includes the following: 1. Are you struggling with your No Objection Letter? Use our FREE template and get clear instructions to secure fast approval! This certificate is to claim No Objection (NoC) for Mr._(Mention Name of person)_ if he joins and provide his services to any other organization. Search statewide judicial forms. The no-objection letter needs to be submitted as Annex 1 for all Funding Proposals, including SAP. Pet's name: Species (dog, cat, etc.): Breed: Sex: M or F Is the pet fixed?