3) You should confirm you have the opposing attorney's. (or unrepresented party's) name, address, telephone number and e-mail address.When an attorney who you have been working with leaves the firm, you remain a client of the firm, you do not automatically stay with the particular attorney. It is an ex parte communication and there is nothing you need do You may file a Request for Fees for the needless trial setting and trial. An eFiling guide to Initiate a New Case in the Riverside, California Superior Courts and electronically serve your documents. Long answer short - yes. Yes you can reach out to opposing counsel and inform him that a particular method of service for case documents is not acceptable. Our Riverside VAWA lawyers can work to understand your case and help you decide whether VAWA is an optimal immigration pathway for you. My ex attorney is upset and continues to harass me in email and put in a request to dismiss the case in Riverside. How do I find out that a felony charge has been placed against me?