Opposing counsel has 15 days to file a Limited Civil Case Status Memorandum (CV\E-202) indicating any objections. This guide contains generic forms and instructions for filing a typical motion, opposition, or reply in California state court.You must fill out an Answer, serve the plaintiff, and file your Answer form with the court. Generally, this is due within 30 days after you were served. To represent yourself in your case, you need to file a "Substitution of Attorney" form with the court. Attorneys will, for example, assert unnecessary objections to Judicial Council Form Interrogatories, or withhold information based on privilege. The trial court recused a law firm's counsel in an individual's legal malpractice action against the firm. Generally, as a best practice, one should not directly contact opposing counsel if one is represented. Better to do this through your own lawyer. In California family law, motions to strike are generally filed to request the court to remove certain parts of the opposing party's pleadings.