An attorney in the State of Washington owes to the client a duty to comply with the standard of care for attorneys. First of all, you can't sanction opposing counsel, only the Court can "sanction." Next, you don't "have" the preponderance of evidence. Legal malpractice cases are two cases in one. You must prove that your attorney exhibited negligence while handling your case. Generally speaking, in the US, an opposing attorney does not owe you a duty that would give rise to a claim for legal malpractice. You can sue your own attorney for malpractice but opposing side's statements are generally viewed as immune due to judicial privilege. You may file and pursue a malpractice action against a lawyer when they act on your behalf in a manner that is legal malpractice. If you feel your attorney isn't working in your best interests, you may be able to file a legal malpractice claim. TO THE DEFENDANT: A lawsuit has been started against you in the above entitled court by.