Get Free Advice From An Experienced Legal Malpractice Lawyer. All You Have To Do Is Call 1-800-TEAM-LAW or Fill Out Our Free Case Evaluation Form.You can sue your own attorney for malpractice but opposing side's statements are generally viewed as immune due to judicial privilege. An experienced Wayne medical malpractice lawyer can help you file a wrongful death lawsuit against the healthcare provider. Generally speaking, in the US, an opposing attorney does not owe you a duty that would give rise to a claim for legal malpractice. To schedule a free case review with our legal malpractice lawyers, call our office or fill out this online contact form. You need to request a copy of your medical file from the urgent care provider. This is necessary so the attorney can accurately determine if you have a case. Access the forms and information you need to file or respond to a small claims case. Compare the best Legal Malpractice lawyers near Wayne, NJ today.