All motions must provide the respondent with 10 days' notice pursuant to Local Rule 208.3 unless the matter is a true emergency. The purpose of the meeting shall be stated in the call.--Meetings of shareholders may be held at such geographic location within or without this Commonwealth as may be provided in or fixed pursuant to the bylaws. Hearing or Notice of Intention to Appear. The following Bylaws are promulgated to govern the powers, duties, and operations of the Allegheny County Jail Oversight Board ("Board"). The Invitation For Bids (IFB) is now open to find qualified professionals to fill these roles. Read more about SPEED. Popular. Would pay the members in the form of a salary instead of a permeeting stipend. Reach an Intake Specialist at 412-253-1250. This law is effective in all but Philadelphia and Allegheny counties.