California's Davis-Stirling Act requires associations give notice of board meetings, including an agenda of the meeting. We post a notice on our website, typically 30 days before the meeting, with details on how the public may participate.A form of notice and agenda of an annual shareholders' meeting of a California corporation, including an agenda for the meeting. This article collects and summarizes several important California HOA meeting notice requirements in effect as of September 1, 2011. Notice of the annual meeting must be given not less than 10 nor more than 90 days before the meeting date. The notice needs to include the meeting's date, time and location, as well as any special resolutions (i.e. The meeting is used for matters which must be dealt with each financial year, such as approval of share capital authorities, the re-election of directors. RTX CA No 012025 08.01. In the next window, click the Agenda Materials link to view additional agenda documents such as Board Letters, reports, resolutions, and proposed ordinances. View a complete list of City Council Liaison Appointments (PDF).