I am pleased to write to you with the arrangements for this year's Annual General Meeting (AGM or Meeting) and to enclose your Notice of AGM. Notice and business of Meeting.I am pleased to provide you with details of our Annual General Meeting (the "AGM") which we are holding at the. The formal notice of AGM and the resolutions to be proposed are set out on pages 8 to 10 of this document. Explanatory notes to the business to be considered are set out on pages 6 to 17. The Meeting will commence at am ( WST ). Our 2023 annual meeting of shareholders will be held in a virtual format only. Details on how to do this are set out in the Notice of Meeting. Whether or not you propose to attend the Annual General Meeting, please complete and submit a proxy form in. Shareholders who wish to participate in the Scrip Dividend Scheme will need to complete a Scrip Dividend.