An easily accessible and centralized registry of documents such associations are generally required to maintain under Florida Statutes. On this page, you will find: Document Checklists: These checklists outline the required documents for the most common application types.We are committed to ensure that high performance standards are promoted, monitored, and maintained for all. The City Clerk is responsible for giving notice of public meetings and maintaining an accurate record of all proceedings. Once your loved one has passed, the custodian of the will must deposit the will with the Clerk of the Court in the county and state where the deceased lived. It must be filed in duplicate within three months from the date of the first publication of the notice of administration. TEMPORARY DUTY – As a general rule, if the employee is out on a work-related assignment, i.e. The operating permit is valid for one year. The permit year starts on July 1 and ends on June 30. N. Immediate Superintendent -- The assistant, associate, or Chief Officer who, by.