Yes, you must distribute the AGM notices 21 days in advance. To accept and welcome new members of society as per attached annexure-A. 5.In the case of an eviction, a public housing tenant may request a hearing from the housing authority after receiving a notice of termination of tenancy. Confirm and approve minutes of the AGM held on . An entirely student-run clinic that aims to provide free primary care to the clients of Elijah's Promise Soup Kitchen in New Brunswick. The formal notice of AGM and the resolutions to be proposed are set out on pages 8 to 10 of this document. AGM notices must include the meeting's date, agenda, location, and time. Anyone needing to file the following TODAY should do so at the Middlesex Judicial District Courthouse located at 1 Court St., Middletown. Active service on two out of the four working groups of the AHRC (Arlington Public Schools, Communications, Event Planning, and Housing). The notice needs to be attached to the Official Notice Board of the society.