Many 60FSS facilities will be observing holiday hours from Thursday, Nov 28 (Thanksgiving Day) and Friday, Nov 29 (Family Day) through the weekend. Invite friends and family to a sports event using sports day invitation card templates that you can format, customize, and print for free.So it was as simple as just putting my information into a entry form daily for a month and i was one of the lucky ten people to be picked. Perfect for ringing in the year with friends and family, this 5x7" design features a chic disco ball, champagne glasses, and festive accents. Board approval is required. We are inviting your student to TISD's Camp Extra Summer Enrichment Program. We will use this time to strengthen your child's knowledge and skills. We are a public liberal arts college where you develop the critical thinking and communication skills needed to succeed in today's economy. I will be able to complete my education in a timely manner and continue to support my family. School Board meeting rooms of all school districts in Travis County.