If you are obtaining the forms for possible use in a real estate transaction, you should contact a real estate license holder or an attorney for assistance. Bull Forms offers a simple online solution to generate all of your Texas real estate forms with simplicity.Here is a video for you ✔️ How To Fill Out An Assignment Contract For Wholesaling Real Estate. An "as is" clause protects a seller if a buyer later makes claims about the property and asks for compensation. Some important contingency clauses should include financing, home inspections, closing costs, and the closing date, among others. In the state of Texas, the One to Four Family Residential Contract (Resale) is the most prevalent contract used for buying or selling real estate. Sellers should design an "as is" sales contract as uniquely as the tract of land being sold. Commonly available forms won't cut it. Some important contingency clauses should include financing, home inspections, closing costs, and the closing date, among others. This page contains Earnest Money clauses in business contracts and legal agreements.