Force majeure clauses allow a party to leave a contract temporarily or permanently, in whole or in part, for catastrophes that were not foreseeable. A force majeure clause excuses performance obligations, or extends time of performance, when an unforeseeable or uncontrollable event results in project delay.Force majeure is a doctrine that excuses performance under a contract when a supervening event prevents that performance. A force majeure clause is a defense to a breach of contract claim if: 1. Force Majeure Clauses. It provides monetary relief for property damage and economic. A force majeure clause is a defense to a breach of contract claim if: 1. Under Texas law, whether a tenant has an argument for rent relief is a factspecific analysis based upon the negotiated terms in a lease. Whether an event not enumerated in a force majeure clause can support a force majeure claim depends. If you are obtaining the forms for possible use in a real estate transaction, you should contact a real estate license holder or an attorney for assistance.