Residuary clause: A residuary clause is a common Florida will provision that determines who will receive the residue of a person's estate. Do you have questions about making a will in Florida?We have the answers and resources for valid Florida wills. FindLaw provides a sample simple will and discusses each section. It also explains how to get help with your will or other estate planning documents. Some important contingency clauses should include financing, home inspections, closing costs, and the closing date, among others. We hold that, where a will fails to dispose of all of a decedent's property (Ann's will has no residuary clause), "partial intestacy" results. New to the home buying scene in Florida but I was shocked when I was asked to sign the newly created Exclusive Buyer Brokerage Agreement. We hold that, where a will fails to dispose of all of a decedent's property (Ann's will has no residuary clause), "partial intestacy" results. Some important contingency clauses should include financing, home inspections, closing costs, and the closing date, among others.