While an escalation clause could help persuade a seller to accept your offer, it could lock you into a pricier home. 6. Limit your asks for extras.An escalation clause is "whatever the highest offer is I'll pay you more. " It presumes that price is literally the only thing that matters. An escalation clause is essentially a clause that you add to the contract either to your original contract or to a potential counter offer. I just want to make sure is escalation clause can give advantage to seller to negotiate better with other competing offer or it's just my luck this time. The Escalation Addendum is designed to automatically increase a buyer's offer to outbid competing offers, up to a specified maximum price. The only way an escalation clause operates is if there is a competing offer over your original offer. An escalation clause is used in a Northern Virginia real estate contract when there is a lot of interest from other buyers in a certain property. Bank Addendum come after offer acceptance.