Georgia real estate agents use two types of agreements: an Exclusive Seller Listing Agreement and a Non-Exclusive Seller Listing Agreement. Safety clause: Entitles broker to commission if seller sells property during "safety period".(such as six months) after listing expires. A power of sale clause written into a mortgage contract authorizes the mortgagee to sell the property in the event of default. Some important contingency clauses should include financing, home inspections, closing costs, and the closing date, among others. An acceleration clause in a mortgage or trust deed stipulates that the entire debt is due immediately, if the borrower defaults under the terms of the contract. Protect yourself with this list of important Subject To real estate contracts and documents you'll need, with example clauses and terms. A lease agreement may include additional clauses, spelling out other obligations for each party. Y Illegal in Georgia. If you are an active GAR REALTOR® Member, please put your NRDS number in the text box at the top and click submit after agreeing to the license terms.