This chapter summarizes the disclosures required for residential real estate transactions in Minnesota. Due Diligence Documentation Checklist Minnesota Commercial Real Estate .Due diligence in a Minnesota real estate transaction refers to the process of researching the property you are looking to purchase. Outline due diligence requirements, encompassing inspections and financial assessments. The Property is, and to Seller's actual knowledge has been, used in compliance with all governmental permits and all applicable governmental requirements. The buyer does not want problems to crop up with the property while it is doing its due diligence and getting its finances in order. The purchaser must be willing to incur some up-front costs at the risk of discovering a condition that could lead to termination of the transaction. Real property in the City of Maple Grove, County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota described as follows: Lot 2, Block 1, Maple Square Plat Four. Once the seller accepts your offer, the clock starts ticking on this due diligence period.