This brochure will be useful to you in answering general questions on how to proceed with the administration of an estate. A life estate deed allows you to own a property while you are living, and gives it to the people you name (legally called "remainderman") after you die.File Petition to Probate the Estate. There is no time limit to open an estate in Maryland, but once you do, the clock starts ticking. An important clause that Maryland estate and trust lawyers should include in every Will that they create is the attestation clause. In this guide, we will provide an overview of the probate process in Maryland and the steps you need to take to sell a house in probate. Maryland does not have a statutory will, a particular form you must use to create your will. Probate is the courtsupervised process of identifying the assets, debts, and beneficiaries of the person who passed away (the "decedent"). The two witnesses must sign in the presence of the testator. How Does Real Estate Get Settled in the Maryland Probate Process?