When purchasing commercial real estate, you should include a due diligence period as a crucial element in your negotiations and in the contract. Buyer's due diligence involves carefully reviewing these disclosures, asking relevant questions, and seeking professional inspections if necessary.Due diligence is the period of time between an accepted offer and closing. During the due diligence period, buyers have the right to cancel the purchase agreement if they discover something risky about the property. Could I please message you to ask about your home purchase? And just to be clear, did the inspection clause protect you from losing out on DD? This is a closing condition that permits the buyer not to close an acquisition if it is not satisfied with the results of its due diligence investigation. This process typically happens after a seller accepts an offer and before the deal is closed. 2- Understanding Property Disclosures: California law requires sellers to disclose known material defects and other significant information about the property. The due diligence process should be one of the first considerations of a prospective buyer or tenant.