This section gives you information about how to transfer personal property (things) and real property (land and buildings) when someone dies. FindLaw provides a sample simple will and discusses each section.It also explains how to get help with your will or other estate planning documents. Although a real estate agent may not legally draft a contract, he or she has the responsibility of filling out a pre-printed sales contract in a manner that. Some important contingency clauses should include financing, home inspections, closing costs, and the closing date, among others. We'll dive into how to file probate in Orange County, CA, detailing the filing process, the role of the probate court clerk, and what documents you'll need. Navigate your real estate purchase with confidence. Discover essential steps, from hiring a lawyer to closing, for a smooth transaction. A will can contain a power of sale clause, allowing the executor to sell the real property of the estate without court order from a probate court. This article will delve into real estate addendums, from their definition and purpose to essential components and common scenarios where they're needed.