An escalation clause is a rider written into a purchase offer to assist an individual in beating out competing offers in real estate. An escalation clause lets you submit an initial bid with the caveat that you're willing to bid more if certain conditions are met.An escalation clause is "whatever the highest offer is I'll pay you more. " It presumes that price is literally the only thing that matters. The Escalation Addendum is designed to automatically increase a buyer's offer to outbid competing offers, up to a specified maximum price. Ul- timately, if the client approves the use of an escalation clause, the agent can include it in the offer. Seller shall provide Buyer with a copy of the next highest competing offer as proof that the escalation clause language has been triggered. A seller doesn't really have many rights based on the Utah purchase contract. In fact, the seller cannot cancel the contract after acceptance. So, we decided with an "uncapped escalation clause".