In Utah, the three most common contingencies in a real estate contract are due diligence, appraisal, and financing. Closing date and settlement.An acceleration clause in a mortgage or trust deed stipulates that the entire debt is due immediately, if the borrower defaults under the terms of the contract. A surge of home buyers across the Wasatch Front is creating a buying frenzy. How do you make your client's offer rise to the top? These four primary clauses are an acceleration clause, a dueonsale clause, a prepayment penalty clause and a release clause. It is highly recommended that the Utah Real Estate handbook be reviewed, with special attention given to the content outlines, before taking the examination. As we dug into the issue, we found multiple builders using nondisparagement clauses in their real estate purchase contracts. Duchesne, Emery, Grand, Juab, Millard, Salt Lake, Sanpete, Sevier, Tooele, Uintah, Utah, and Wasatch. These four primary clauses are an acceleration clause, a dueonsale clause, a prepayment penalty clause and a release clause.