Escalation clauses are a binding addendum to the offer your realtor is planning to submit. A license holder who adds these terms to the contract in any manner, including drafting an escalation clause, is engaged in the unauthorized practice of law.An escalation clause is a rider written into a purchase offer to assist an individual in beating out competing offers in real estate. An escalation clause is phrasing in a contract that is sometimes used to strengthen a buyer's position in a multiple offer situation. An escalation clause typically benefits sellers since it automatically increases a buyer's offer without negotiation between the parties. An escalation clause is an addendum to your offer stipulating you will raise your offer to beat any competing buyers, up to a set price. The Escalation Addendum is designed to automatically increase a buyer's offer to outbid competing offers, up to a specified maximum price. Here's a common scenario seller has house listed for 800k. Luckily, there's a bidding option to help you achieve that balance. Some buyers are even including an escalation clause in their bids, which increases the buyer's original offer as competitive bids come in.